Welcome to Sere-med Direct
Sere-med Direct is an online service made available to the public whereby selected home health care products can be acquired directly from Sere-med. By utilizing Sere-med Direct, you can now purchase and obtain the Sere-med product recommended and prescribed by your doctor. To support this, we continue to engage with medical professionals on the beneficial value our products have to offer and to encourage their patients to use Sere-med Direct and purchase the product that has been prescribed.
Sere-med Direct is not in competition with pharmacies and we therefore appeal to you to continue to support your local pharmacy. Sere-med will if requested, re-direct you to a pharmacy in your area that stock the Sere-med product you require. Not all pharmacies offer all our products, it is for this reason that Sere-med Direct was established, but more importantly, to provide our client’s patients with innovative, unique and life enhancing products that will provide the desired outcomes.
These products are:
Home digital blood pressure monitor, our K2-232 with features that will enable you to take your blood pressure confidently and accurately. Our Patient-Assist app (www.patient-assist.co.za) has been established as a supporting link enabling you to record and forward your readings immediately to your doctor.
Nebulization the right way – by using the appropriate adaptor, our established Cico Boy Nebulizer assures that the identified area to be nebulized as required by your doctor, is treated effectively.
Nasal irrigation with a difference! Imagine, no pressure, no pain – just a relieving spontaneous flow up one nostril and out the other naturally. Sere-flow and our irrigation granules – Sere-Salt, is your nasal irrigation solution! PROACTIVE NASAL CARE with Sere-flow and Sere-Salts facilitates HEALTHIER BREATHING thereby improving your GENERAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING.
To order the Sere-flow and Sere-salt Combo Pack or either the irrigator or salts separately, scroll down and select your preferred option.
For your first aid requirements, order the comprehensive Sere-med Emergency Blue First Aid Bag.
A MUST in every home – the Sere-med Burn Guide and Treatment Pack is your solution to immediately identify and treat a burn site effectively.
Always be prepared, consider completing our CPR For You First Aid Online Course – YOUR LIFE SAVING ACTIONS CAN SAVE SOMEONE’S LIFE!!
QR codes on the product itself and the Sere-med Direct script your doctor will provide you with, affords access to product information and videos (currently under construction) which demonstrate how to setup and use the Sere-med product you have or will be purchasing.
For any enquiries or immediate assistance, use our 24-hour toll-free helpline 080 062 2220 and ask to speak either to Jeanette, Adelle, Nugent or Albert, alternatively, Kyle will answer your call after hours To place your order or to view the product you are interested in, scroll down to the product, and click on the image. The Sere-med Direct portal will guide you from the process of completing the required information, to payment options and check out.
We at Sere-med pride ourselves on our service, the quality of our products and therefore look forward to being of service to you soon.
Prices include VAT
Pensioners receive 10% discount
To get your discount coupon code please contact Vasie – 011 262 2220 ext 102
24hr TOLL FREE HELPLINE 0800 622220
Patient-assist is only applicable should an K2-232 be purchased.
Request access to Patient-Assist
The serial number of your K2-232 must be submitted prior to your access to
Patient-Assist being approved.
The serial number is located near the battery compartment on the underside of the K2-232
or on the invoice provided with the goods
Contact Vasie on our TOLL FREE number 0800 62 2220 or vasie@seremed.com